Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Friday Assignment

pick the one you find more interesting. For it, you’re going to write a shot-by-shot account of it (pausing so you can describe each shot). It will take a little while. (You can look at my sample for the Boyd Huppert story we watched in class). On your blog post, give the following information:

Story title: Disapearring Jobs: Video Store Closes Shop
Total Run Time: 2:58

1. Close up of "All- Dvd Video Verite" Store name
2. Depth of inside of store
3. Medium shot of owner checking dvds
4. Medium shot of owner talking
5. Opposite/ depth shot of person walking into store  
6. Angled shot of Customers in the store
7.Close up of lady picking out dvds
8. Super Close up of a dvd
9.Super close up of another dvd
10.Close up of dvd rental sign
11.Close up of women examing dvd titles
12.Medium shot of owner of store talking
13. Close up of Open sign
14. Medium of owner checking out dvd's
15. Depth shot of several people looking at dvds
16.Wide shot of dvd selection choices
17. Close up "Suggestions, comments" box
18. Medium shot of owner talking 
19. Tracking shot of customers looking through selections 
20. Close up of little puppy in store
21. Medium shot of people picking up dvd
22. low shot of women examing dvd choices
23. Medium shot of womens interview 
24. Angled shot of women walking away 
25. Depth shot of women paying at cashier
26. Medium shot of women talking in interview 
27. Low, angled shot of women looking at dvds
28. Close up of exit of store
29. Close up of dvd price
30. Angled Close up of owner looking at computer screen 
31. Medium shot of owner talking 
32. Close up of advertising candy price in store 
33. Close up of Owner scanning dvds 
34. Medium shot of owner talking 
35. Medium shot of people stacking dvds 
36. Low shot of customer at counter 
37. Medium/ depth  shot of workers rearranging dvds 
38. Medium shot of owners talking
39. Medium/ opposite shot of store window
40. Medium shot of lights turning off, owner leaving

What you noticed overall: Finally, write a summary section of at least 100 words

All the varieties of shot included in the b-roll of the news story  make it interesting to watch. Otherwise it would be very not engaging to watch solely the person being interviews talking the whole time or just B-roll the whole time as well. I noticed that when the people are being interviewed in the video it is usually a Medium shot. The The Opening and end shots should be more engaging, especially the opening to draw the audience in. I learned that the main  subject (a person) or object of the story should appear in a close up shot somewhere in the video. In this case the object of the dvd and the owner both showed up in close ups a lot, throughout the video. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Read in Dotson’s book pages 55 thru 71. Then:
1. What do you find most interesting about what he says on these pages? What stands out as particularly useful to you as a storyteller? (75 words)

I found it interesting when Bob Dotson states that one should find a strong visual to close the story whenever possible. something that the audience won't forget. But most of the newstories I've seen, have 90% of the time closed with a stand up from the reporter. Leaving the viewer with a very strong closing statement regarding their report. I liked the the statement he made about silence. That "For the writer, nothing is more difficult to write than silence. For the viewers, sometimes, nothing is more moving than that moment of silence". Which is so true because most very impacting stories have a moment of silent within them. Makes the message dawn upon the reader. I think Dotson statement he made regarding silence could also come in very useful to an individual as a storyteller. 
To answer the rest, you must visit the site for Boyd Huppert’s Land of 10,000 Stories(http://www.kare11.com/news/investigative/extras/stories.aspx). Pick two that look interesting. Watch them. Then, pick one of those and answer the following prompts about it, please: 2. What is the name of the story, and on what date did it first air?
        Pianist loses fingers in snow blower, lives to play

3. List and describe four instances of natural sound. 
         Sound of snow blower running when they brought how he got his finger cut off.
Sound of audience clapping after her was finished playing the piano
Sound of piano playing by the little boy at the beginning, and Jim playing
Sound of nature Backyard sign when Jim was standing where the incident happened telling his story

4. List and describe (including the type and what they are showing) four camera shots that you find interesting.
        They did a really tight shot of a kid playing the piano, in the beginning, showing just his fingers, This was intering t me because it looked like his fingers dancing on the keys, by the way they positioned it.
They did a wide shot when Jim was sharing his story and this was interesting to me, you would of imaged them doing a medium shot. But a wide shot really showed the setting of which the incident happened.
An opposite shot of when Jim was playing the piano the shot of the keys moving inside the piano.
A Depth shot of Jim performing in front of an audience showing the audience through showing him playing.

5. Write a possible focus statement for the story (strong verbs; no “-ing” words)
             Pianist looses fingers still plays

6. How does this story utilize Dotson’s “Building Blocks” (from Page 68)? Discuss a few of them, please. (100 words)
            Pictures: Towards the beginning it was compelling when they showed a shot of Bill's finger when he states "In case you didn't notice the pinky is supposed to be the shortest finger" when really it was the tallest. Also the shot of him at the piano telling the viewer the names of his fingers.
Natural Sounds: Like the ones I listed on question 3.
Soundbites: Jim says
"There's no point, because it's a waste of energy, and I have a limited amount of that, and I try to use it to strengthen and improve what I can do," This soundbites shows the moral of the Jim's story. Why his story is so unique, taking such a time of adversity using it to succeed. The placement of this statement is also very profound. As for Graphics this particular story did not have any.